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Tuesday 8 September 2009

Soho Live 09 - Special Preview


With Soho having made a real impact on the countries Pride season with some fantastic events over the years, from an impromptu start back in 2002 to the massive party it became last year, the main stage in Soho Square featuring a star studded D.J. line up, but with plenty of activity right across the area including the ever popular Q.X. stage in Rupert Street, all followed by after parties that kept the action going right into Monday morning, we were eagerly anticipating a repeat this year. So, it was a huge shock when news hit that Soho Pride would not be going ahead, the finger of blame being pointed in many directions, not least at London's Mayor for withdrawing financial support, but also over Crossrail's construction (a weak excuse is you ask us). However, what was more likely was that some key players in previous events not willing to bridge the financial gap and put their money where there mouth was, coupled with the amazement that so many venues across the Soho expanse, who have made huge profits from previous events, were also unprepared to put their hands in their pockets. However, from the minute that the news broke, furied discussions & negotiations began to reprieve Soho Pride and two protagonists stepped into the breach, both who have been "linch pin" supporters right from the early days and Soho Live became a reality.

And who were the two responsible? Well The Edge Group and Gaydar ofcourse, both who thought it would have been a crying shame if the now traditional yearly Soho event wouldn't go ahead, although were immediately facing an uphill battle to get everything organised and in place in time for the regular July/August timing, therefore deciding that a Sunday in September would be more appropriate & realistic. It was then a case of not only building up sponsorship support but forming the plans and implementation of the whole event infrastructure, lining up the artists playing on the various proposed stages and thinking about the addtional elements to make Soho Live an all encompassing day of celebration for the whole community, which had been given the important endorsment by Westminster council. With the news out, a whole host of sponsors came forward to give their support, including big corporates Carslberg Tetleys, Diagio and Mitchells & Butler as well as all your favourite independant gay/gay friendly outlets & business in and around Soho, but also The Wandsworth Palais which has invested alot into creating the perfect afterhours party (more of that later).

So, it has a slightly different name, a different date, but in essence the feel of the set up of Live 09 is very much the same as Soho Pride, or is it? Well, all the elements that made last year the huge sucess it was are there, the Gaydar Radio main stage & dance area is still in Soho Square, the Q.X. dance stage is back and will dominate proceedings in & around Rupert Street, even the Girls dance stage makes a welcome return, this year sponsored by Gaydar Girls & London's newest girl bar G Spot, but in a different setting on Romilly Street and naturally all your favourite Soho bars will be adding their own style to the event. However, there are some new elements that will set Soho Live aside from its predecesor as the organisers have agreement to use St Anne's Garden as a community stage & area, transforming the space into the style of a mini village fete, with market stalls, street artists, a bouncy castle and a small performance stage, very much more of a "Family Fun Area" which will also extend into the lower part of Dean Street with fun rides, magic shows & even some fairground games. There will be a variety of acts featuring on the community stage, including this years Drag Idol winner, Kevin Cruise as well as "A Stage Kindly", a theatre group that will be performing a fabulous homage to musicials. The host of market stalls will be back, spread across Greek, Frith and the northern side of Dean Street as well as the north side of Soho Square, but with a slant towards the designer in you, with specialist selections of arts, crafts, fashion & jewellery on offer, but with the usual influence of charities & support groups intrinsict to the gay society.

But, the real draws will remain the dance stages, so whats on offer? Well Soho Square's Camp Gaydar from last year will be transformed into a glitzy and glamourous Vegas style & theme with the addition of "The Fashion Catwalk" which will showcase the great collections and unique work of designers from Soho's various stores and boutiques. The music will be the main focus however, with a truly great D.J. line up playing live throughout the afternoon, headlined by The Freemasons who take to the stage at 4.30 p.m, the duo that are responsible for so many great dance hits, including "Love on My Mind", "Watchin", Rain Down Love", "Nothing But a Heartache" & "Uninvited" all of which we are sure will be in their playlist, with Gaydar Radio's Phil Marriot warming things up, followed by Matinee's & Evolved Events Oliver M, at 3.30 p.m., who will lead up to the duo. Juicy, Beyond & Lo-Profile resident & legendary D.J. Steve Pitron will then take over from the Freemason at 6 p.m. and international superstar Paul Heron rounds things off from 7p.m. till close at 8 and the whole afternoon of music in Soho Square will be broadcast live on GaydarRadio as the space will simply rock.

Over on the Q.X. stage in Rupert Street there will be plenty of activity with a plethroa of performers & P.A.'s adding glamour to the line up of D.J.'s which include Barcode resident Kris De Angelis, fab D.J/Producer & Gutterslut resident Per Q.X. , Matinee, Hard On!, Industri & Lo Profile resident Brent Nicholls, and the duo that played a superb b2b set at the recent Trade/Orance party and are regulars at Beyond & Juicy, Jamie Head & Mickey D, who will perform separately throughout the afternoon. We mentioned P.A.'s and the Q.X. stage have some biggies, with Work's legendary performance artist Scottee presenting a couple of dance numbers produced by Kris De Angelis, MC Crystal will be around to spruce up proceedings with her freestyle vocals and energy, but the great news is that the London gay clubbing scene's first lady, Therese will take centre stage with an exclusive debut of new material to compliment her classic hits. So with funky & chuky disco dancing turning into dirtier, sexier & huge house hits as day turns to night, we are sure this area will be as popular as ever.

And for you gals, Romilly Street's theme of "here come the girls" will be very much in evidence, with girl bar G Spot's very own D.J. Caz getting things going from 1.30 p.m. followed by Sandra D, resident at Ruby Tuesdays, carrying on from 4 p.m. and Miss Bailey taking over at 6 p.m. to see the music through till the 8 p.m. finish. And with the added spice of vocalist extraordinnaire Tonnic, who we are sure will rock Romily Street to its foundations with her awsome vocal chords, there will be loads to keep the girls very happy indeed. Mind you if you prefer to hang out in the bars, there will be plenty of music on offer, Rupert Street resident D.J. Alessandro playing out right across the afternoon with a pure mix of disco, dance, funky & hard hitting house, while over at Barcode, the team have lined up a host of D.J.'s that we are told will include Paul Coles, Hi-Fi Sean, Saki & Mattias. Heidi Liscious takes over the main bar at Village & The very Miss Dusty O plays out in Ku Bar frith Street, so plenty on offer.

But when Soho Live 09's curtain falls at 8 p.m., the partying will continue at the official after party "Paparazzi" which takes over at super new club venue the Wandsworth Palais, yes you heard it Wandsworth. But fear not at there will be free, yes free transport direct from Soho as you will be swept away from the centre of town on the buses leaving from Shaftesbury Ave and Tottenham Ct Rd from 8pm when "Paparazzi opens, with the free transport running until 12.30 am. As for the event itself, be prepared to be bathed in the warmth of a thousand flashes, shine like a star in a sea of cameras, and dance alongside some of the scene's hottest men as the venue will be transformed in the glamorous T’dance style but with circuit like production, massive inspiring stage shows and some of the world’s most eye-pleasing dancers & performers provided by Mark M Forn's Fierce Intl. D.J's grabbing the camera clicking action will include Paul Heron, Pier Morrocco, Brent Nicholls & Alessandro, with the club running right through till 6 a.m.

Back in Soho, new club "Scandal" launches at the swish Shadow Lounge, brought to you by one of the scene's most experienced promoters, Steve Elliot, the man behind Salvation. In a scandal ridden interview he told us that he promises a night of scandalous proportions right in the heart of the West-end with plenty to talk about. It has also been scandaleously reported that it will be hosted by the unscrupulous Madam Alekssandra Ceciliato and our sources also reveal that DJ’s Miswhite, Paul Coals & Nathan 6, will be creating the musical scandal with live vocalist Tonnic providing the vocal gossip at this shameful event, accompanied by the mistress of disgrace, Juliana de Primo, with "Scandal running from 9 p.m. through till 3 a.m.

So, next Sunday looks not only like being a day and night to remember but we suspect that Soho Live 09 will eclipse all previous events and will be heralded as THE outside party of the year. With the weather forecast looking very promissing, expect Soho's streets to be brimming with a amazing mix of people who want to dance, party, have fun, shop and eventually drop but will take away some lasting memories of a truly fantastic time. A big thanks & thumbs up to the team at the Edge and Gaydar for making Soho Live 09 a reality, yes, we are sure they will come across some teething problems, but with the superb support of so many business across Soho, we are confident that Live's 10, 11 & 12 will follow for sure and eventing in Soho will form a permanent spot in our yearly calendar. As for us, well, we are on duty at Rupert Street throughout the day, but will have team "Disco Matt" out & about, so expect a full review for sure. (DISCO MATT)