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Saturday 17 October 2009

Konekted at Cable


It is rare that we take the opportunity to devote a whole post to just one club, but in these tough competitive times when the scene seems to be dominated by the big hitting brands, consigning many new ventures to an early grave or sidelining others, when we spot a venture that could make a real difference, injecting a whole load of excitement, backed up by some superb D.J. talents, many big hitting names not just in London, but across the globe, all taking place in of the capital’s newest, swishiest & cutting edge venues, we feel it serves some special attention. Add into the mix, one of the scene’s most experienced promoter, responsible for launching a legendary club in an area of London that quickly established itself as the coolest place to be and remains a mecca for gay clubbing, it then becomes apparent that this new venture has all the credentials worthy of success.

So, Who? What? When? & Where? are we talking about? Well, as for the Where, it is of course Cable, the uber new venue making a real name for itself so soon into its infancy and if you have been privileged to experience the wonderful Matinee parties held there since July, not to mention the special coverage we gave this new London Bridge clubbing destination in our first preview slot, you will realise that this is one very special space, designed & set up to specifically cater for the demands of modern clubbing, within surroundings that have cleverly blended the qualities of other venues to create a real wow, combining sumptuous materials to brilliant effect. As testament to this, check out the superb videos of Matinee in its new home at http://evolvedevents.co.uk and for the full low down on the venue, go to http://cable-london.com and we are sure you will be as amazed as we were when we first got to see the place.

Now, as to the next “W”, Who?, it could be nobody else but the genius that is for us, one of the most iconic & dynamic promoters of any across, not just gAylist London, but an individual that has been responsible for a whole host of clubs, events & ventures, being right in the thick of the scene for well over 20 years and in the clubbing business for two decades. Yes, its Wayne Shires, the man behind some of the biggest club names to hit the scene, remember Kinky Gerlinky? we certainly do, you cannot ever forget Crash, for us a club that, without exception, transformed Saturday night/Sunday morning underground clubbing, ctting edge & revolutionary in it style introducing some amazing D.J. talents that still grace our dancefloors to this day. Then there was Beyond, which made a massive impact on the afterhours clubbing phenomenon, the early days being driven by Wayne, who can only be tanked for bringing to us a club brand which is now firmly established as one of the best afterhours clubs, not just in London but in the U.K. Add to that his intrinsic involvement in the massive festival, Summer Rites, with more recent ventures Guru, Guru & Beartronic making real waves and there is no doubting this man’s talents & influence, especially considering that he really was THE face of an emerging gay village that has become the Vauxhall of today and is now part of yet another spurning area of London, Shoreditch.

So how about the What?, Well, it is a new club launch called “Konekted” (more of that in a moment) and with the concept firmly based on the need for a high quality Sunday night experience that fulfils the gap left by the massive brand DTPM. Now, we can probably hear you say that DTPM is on its way back, but bear in mind the format of the new DTPM is very much different to the old, whereas Konekted is planting itself firmly in that old territory with its timing, the aim also being to attract the “Sunday” crowd that has really developed across Hoxton & Shoreditch, with Cable being ideally placed to take advantage of that. And there is no doubt that there is a latent market across London that just needs that little bit of encouragement to bring Sunday clubbing back to the fore, perhaps the time being now to do so. We have, in saying so, answered the When in a way, but the plan with Konekted is to run the club from 10 p.m. on Sundays weekly, running through to the early hours of Monday morning, in some ways returning to those days when we either took Monday’s off or were well & truly decadent if not.

So, with the initial questions answered, now let us look at the detail. First and foremost is the club name, which its creator chose to do exactly what it says on the box, to connect people and music from the variety & spectrum that is out there these days, which is something we can be proud of in London, with probably one of the most diverse scenes of any in the world. And why not bring people together in this way? We certainly think there should be a club that does, with Sunday being the one day that has done just that in the past. So, what about the music? Well, there will be three separate rooms for the launch, each having its own unique feel & vibe, yet with some of the biggest names in the business gracing the decks, along with a host of rising stars that will make appearances as the week’s go by.

The main room has three names that evoke the Matinee style and are (funnily enough) residents there, the threesome of Pagano, Paul Heron & Oliver M set to pack a real punch with tough euro-style tech & electro house. Then looking across to the second space (which is room one at Cable), for Konekted it will be called the “Pop Up Club”, as the plan is to have various clubs take charge of this room for the night. The launch sees maestro’s Tom Stephan & Antoine 909 take to the decks, joined by upcoming star Terry Veitheer, with a real “Guru Guru” theme to proceedings here, but for us the combo of Tom & Antoine evoke those heady days of the early Crash years, so we are hopeful of that unique underground style that these two are renowned for. The middle Lounge Bar will see some great names from the days of Crash appear, as Tasty Tim & Ben Jamin will headline, Jon Sizzle & Feral adding to the vibe of this atmospheric room. So, there is no doubt about the depth of talent on offer and the music should be top class & just the ticket to end the weekend on a real high.

Well, that’s all the detail & in reflection we think an event which should make a real mark for itself. It therefore just remains to say that doors for Konekted open at Cable from 10 p.m. with the club running through to v-late (we suspect 6 or 7 a.m.). Entrance on the door is just £5 before midnight (bargain we say!) with various prices beyond that but no higher than £10. More info on the whole event, including V.I.P. ticket requests, can be found at their fabulous website http://konekted.co.uk.

We certainly think that Sunday clubbing is set to take a real step forward in the hands of Konekted and with such a star studied line up, in one of London’s most pioneering venues, the night masterminded & steered by one of the best promoters in the business, who can’t do more wrong than getting down to Cable in London Bridge for what will hopefully become the weekly Sunday nighter that others will become very envious of. So as we always say....Go There! Be There! (DISCO MATT)

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