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Wednesday 2 June 2010

London Global Dance Festival - Sorry Shoes Profile


Well, you find us just over half way through the massive London Global Dance Festival (LGDF), having savoured a spectacular launch party in the hands of “Onyx” and a brilliant performance by Amsterdam’s Dikky Vendetta, followed by a auspicious “A.M.- International, a brilliant “Beyond – Universe” and a lavish “Later – Global Edition”, although as good as all these were, it seems that the best is yet to come, as we are literally three or so hours way from the main event, which will be followed by the huge “Orange LGDF Closing Party” event and one particular outfit that will be present at both parties gets our final devotion in what has been a truly exhaustive yet most comprehensive look at all the international clubs & outfits that will be representative & part of this massive London music & dance gathering

Sorry Shoes Sorry shoes was created as a record label & agency by international D.J./Producer Mike Kelly back in 2008 and has both German & Australian origins, but serves to bring together D.J. talents from across the globe, sourcing individuals from as far away as Brazil, America, and, naturally, Australia, but as near as France, Italy, Spain, Germany and the U.K. Since its inception Sorry Shoes has attracted an impressive array of well over 30 masters at their game, with a core team that includes Jean Philips, Ben Korbel, Chris Bekker, & Thomas William joining Mike, but extending to members that include Alex Taylor, Ben Manson, Hifi Sean Dickson, Ivan Gomez, Nacho Chapado, Oliver M & Steven Redant, the huge list of artists offering up a whole expanse of genres across house music, giving the label & agency incredible depth. Sorry shoes philiosphy is based on its desire to “aim to make you dance, provide professionals, yet always remember to smile” attracting D.J.’s that push the boundaries with their music yet always remembering that music is still there to dance to and that their production works should be stimulating yet full of fun.

So, from elements of progressive, tech, trance, tribal, minimal & electro, the ever increasing team includes both longstanding contributors to the music industry as well as new & upcoming talents and in the relatively short time the label & agency has been running, not only is the membership impressive, but so is the list of releases which have included Jean Philips’ & Mike Kelly’s “Tisco”, Exit Earth’s “The Sun”, Steven Redant’s “Discotheque”, Rene Raabe’s “Me” & Van Gomez’s “D-Pressed” and has seen support both through radio airplay & live gigs come from the likes of Judge Jules, Axwell, Ismael Rivas, Lisa Lashes & Hector Fonseca to name just a few. So, having established a solid reputation within the Industry, Sorry Shoes continues to move forward, with over 10 commercial label releases already under its belt and with plenty more to come and therefore the management team behind Sorry Shoes are thrilled to be part of LGDF. Both Mike Kelly & Jean Phillips will be representing the organisation at the main event tomorrow night, and fellow Sorry Shoes artists Thomas William, Ivan Gomez & Nacho Chapado, will be part of the “Orange event, Thomas flying the flag for Cologne club Nightkomm & the “peas in pod” duo of Ivan & Nacho influencing the main room & The Blackbox at Area, respectively.

Plus don’t forget that Sorry Shoes have sponsored the “official CD compilation for LGDF, a 12 track mix that was put together by Mike Kelly and includes some real corkers. Complimentary copies will be handed out to VIP guests at the main event tonight, with the CD’s also available for sale at both Fire & Area, as well as in super Soho retail outfit Clone Zone &, we are told, countrywide at HMV stores, but why not get your slice of some Sorry Shoes action, live at the LGDF main event & the closing party and a better brand to be involved, we couldn’t think of. (DISCO MATT)

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