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Friday 28 May 2010

LGDF Special Preview - The White Party Miami Profile


With the Bank Holiday fast approaching, all eyes are pointing towards The London Global Dance Festival, that will be swinging into action tomorrow night (Friday 28th May), starting with the first pre-party at The Box in Covent Garden and the “official” opening event at Area, as “Onyx” plays host to the first of a veritable wave of international D.J.’s & entertainers, kick starting the truly global feel that will be captured in London over the next four days. However, it is the main event that gets our focus here and an extra special party that will be hosting the VIP reception, as well as taking its place within the event itself on Sunday.

So, what is The White Party? Well since its inception back in 1985, this annual event has become the largest worldwide HIV/AIDS fundraising contributor, this specially dedicated party taking place each November in Miami, with music being the central theme to the event, drawing in D.J.’s and artists from around the globe. The whole ethos of the party, however, is based on the support that it provides to those that are affected by HIV/AIDS and the wearing of white clothing at the party is intrinsic to its makeup, the co-founder of this now massive worldwide series of events, Frank Wager, being quoted as saying "...White stands for purity. white is elegant, non-political, non-combative and makes people look just plain beautiful..." and it is this simple message that has cemented the White Party as a symbol for breaking down prejudice and discrimination against those suffering from this terrible life threatening blood based immune deficiency condition. Care Resource, the organisation behind The White Party, which was developed from the merger of the original volunteer group, Health Crisis Network and Miami’s Community Research Initiative, today provides a “one-stop” location to primary medical care, conducts clinical trials and research studies and a whole host of other services in direct support to the whole community affected by this dreadful epidemic. And only with the massive fund raising from The White Party’s annual events, can Care Resource carry on with these all important, no-profit, multi cultural & community services, fundraising that has generated in excess of US$ 25 million over the years.

The White Party in Miami has sported some of the biggest names in the music industry that has included Chris Cox, Chus & Ceballos & Tony Moran, but also boasts an exhaustive list of D.J.’s and entertainers that star at the annual events, US drag queen stars including Kitty Meow, Vegas Dion, Velvet Lenore, Misty Eyez & Chyna Girl, as well as performers known across the Miami scene, including Debby Holiday, Jason Dottley, Joe Posa, & The Shawn Sutra trio, together with similarly well known D.J’s including Abel, Joe Gautheraux, Orin Nizri, Oscar Velaquez & Randy Bettis, the event also welcoming international D.J. stars including two that will be representing the outfit at LGDF. With the White Party phenomenon now extending way beyond Miami, with events linked to the original, taking place in cities across the USA including New York, Chicago, Los Angeles & San Francisco, as well as internationally, destinations for this amazing music festival brand including Melbourne, Montreal, Sydney, Singapore & in Europe in Amsterdam & Brussels, it is Miami that still remains the hub of activity, but nevertheless makes this a truly global brand.

So the fit with LGDF was a perfect one and The White Party will not only be part of the main event on 30th May, taking its place alongside new club brand on the block, The Face Of Ibiza, in Fire’s Lightbox room, but will more importantly be hosting the superb VIP reception, which will give guests the opportunity not just to meet up with all the international D.J.’s & artists jetting in for LGDF, but the chance to meet some of the people behind this massive Miami event and get a real feel of what The White Party is all about. And in this VIP reception, we are promised plenty of glamour & sophistication, very much the by-words of the annual fundraising event, but with music always being the central theme, played out in the Lightbox by White Party regular and a man that is (and should be) inextricably linked with it, Fabio White, while in the specially dedicated VIP room, our very own Brent Nicholls will be entertaining, he also having played at this incredible fundraising event in Miami before. So, best you grab yourselves one of those VIP tickets or places, so as to enjoy this extra special White Party experience and why not take a look at this fabulous video, giving you an insight as to the massive parties that take place in Miami each November, now it its 26th year, at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIKsiB2ID1Y. Also, check out our special music post, focusing on D.J. talents Brent Nicholls & Fabio White and fulfill your complete White Party musical journey. (DISCO MATT)

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