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Thursday 20 May 2010

London Global Dance Festival - Scream & Delice Profiles


Well, we have covered Italy’s finest, have given a big shout to Spain’s new kid on the block, so now it’s time to look at the crème de la crème from where else but France and here we focus on a club that always hits the high notes in Paris and a dance crew outfit based in Lille that never fail to make a splash in the parties to grace their presence with, whether it be in their home country or across the globe. Both of these French fancies will be landing in London for the main event and will definitely be injecting plenty of va va voom to proceedings.

First up is Paris super club Scream and there is no doubt that since its inception in 1996, this club has definitely stood head & shoulders above the competition in its home city of Paris, very much evoking all the fashion, glamour & style that this French capital is reputed for and as a result the club has attracted some of the biggest names in the D.J.’ing game & music industry. And this comes as no surprise as Scream has a very distinctive pedigree, being the brainchild of worldwide renowned megastar producer David Guetta, who, together with co-founder Ludo Menard, has definitely used his influence within the industry, not just to project Scream’s profile, but has secured the services of the likes of pop phenomenon Lady Gaga who performed her first European gig at the club back in 2008, as well vocal diva’s Rebeka Brown, Ultra Nate & Giovanna, each attracting huge audiences to the club and confirming its reputation for putting on massive parties.

It therefore goes without saying that Scream has also attracted the world’s biggest D.J. names that include Pater Rauhofer, Victore Calderone, Tracy Young & Mike Kelly, not to mention the talents of Danny Verde & Stephen Redant, both of whom will be familiar to the London gay scene So, along with superstar resident Ben Mason, the club is recognised for delivering top notch electro infused, progressive & tech house genre sounds that go down an absolute storm with the Paris crowd as well as international clubbers that crave for the fresh & fulfilling sounds that are very much a trademark of Scream, this enigmatic club brand having even hosted after parties for some of the world’s biggest pop stars performing in Paris, among them a spectacular event for Madonna.

It was inevitable that Scream would extend beyond its native home and is currently embarking on a world tour which includes parties in Amsterdam, Cologne & Madrid, will be part of the summer season in Ibiza, will feature in the massive Circuit Festival in Barcelona in August and as part of this tour will be shouting out as part of the massive main room line up at LGDF’s main event on Sunday 3oth May, with Ben Manson spearheading the musical direction and we are told Ludo Menard making a flying visit especially for the night. And for a glimpse into the glamour & party action that has Scream written all over it, why not check out these video’s, http://facebook.com/video/video.php?v=389074884110 & http://youtube.com/watch?v=TzuhpBeeJMk

Our other French fancy is the magnificent Delice is probably recognised as one of France’s biggest gay dance club party brands, having been established for over 8 years and having a presence in virtually every major club across the country, from Queen & Le Mix clubs in Paris through to its very own down in Lille, but has extended across five continents and has been part of major festivals in Rio, Miami, Sydney, but more famously at the massive Circuit Festival in Barcelona & the huge Xlsior week in Mykonos which forms part of this party group’s exhaustive annual calendar of events. Extending its energetic & extrovert activity over up to 22 clubs across the world, Delice adds its own extra special spice to parties that include those at La Demence in Brussels, Billy in Milan, Muccassissina in Rome, Fly Club in Toronto, but has also seen the group provide its stunning array of dancers for parties in Madrid, Barcelona, Ibiza and Athens, but has also seen the team come to London on many occasions, supporting parties for club brands across the capital.

Such is the strength of the organisation, that it sports well over 8000 dancers on its books, influencing the dancefloors across the world virtually weekly and has also attracted some of the most renowned international D.J.’s to play alongside its bevy of beautiful dancers at their specialist parties, London’s very own Paul Heron being part of the team and very much in the thick of events in Athens, Lille and, of course, Mykonos, where he absolutely rocked the “paradise isle” with his magnificent music & along with Delice’s stunning dancers, has secured this premier party brands reputation not just in Mykonos , but wherever they play & perform, including the infamous red party in Antwerp. Also as part of the Delice team is ace vocalist Tonnic, known for rocking the dancefloors here in the capital at Trade, Orange & other events and she often tours with the group, injecting her own enthusiasm to the parties Delice hosts, along with other touring resident D.J.’s Jeremy Reyes from Paris & Mister Mola from Antwerp.

So, the team behind LGDF were very keen to bring Delice on board, not least securing the services of both Paul Heron & Tonnic, but also bringing to the festival the stunning choice of dancers to compliment the troupe teams sourced from within London and Delice will be providing much of the animation, dancing performances and heaps of gorgeous eye candy to add real spark to the main event, as well as extending to the plethora of parties across the whole festival, very much introducing added glamour & spice to proceedings. And for a taste of what Delice has to offer check out their website at http://deliceboys.com/ which has loads of images, visuals & video’s of the gorgeous Delice boys in action, or these other selection of fabulous videos at http://youtube.com/watch?v=IvJc4pHHoVw , http://youtube.com/watch?v=0ALOhnBfUJA&feature=fvw & http://youtube.com/watch?v=5NQLkbpQtIs&feature=related (we can’t get enough of these gorge Delice boys!!).

So, France will definitely be well represented at LGDF and we will definitely be biting into more than just a croissant of action in the hands of Scream and those gorgeous Delice boys across the weekend of 30th May. (DISCO MATT)

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