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Wednesday 7 July 2010

Matinee "Open Air Summer Party"


When you paint a picture of summer, then cast your thoughts towards clubbing, add a little bit of Latino and a dollop of alfresco dancing, then put them all together, what do you get? Well there is one name that shoots straight to the top of the list, a name that has been dominating the club scene across its homeland for well over a decade now, during which time it has extended its massive branding arm to stretch right around the world, touching on every single continent like no other clubbing concept. The moment you utter the word Matinee, you immediately think of a whole myriad of other words that capture the whole essence of this huge partying phenomenon, although the core principles of this Spanish born & bred giant have always centred on summer & sunshine, just look at their logo and its screams this out loud & proud. However, two other elements were intrinsic Matinee ingredients right from the brands birth in 1997 and they were Saturday’s & Sunday’s, but not as you would expect, as the one thing that stood this fledgling clubbing group out form its competitors was its afterhours status.

Yes, Matinee was born out of clubbing deep into both Saturday & Sunday mornings, based primarily on the principle that in Spain at least, they adore going out in the early hours of the morning and then partying, especially at the weekend, deep into the day and, if they can manage it, right up to siesta time, in some cases beyond. And this was a principle that the group carried through to its launch on the white isle, Space in Ibiza playing host to the first Matinee party which took place, not on a Saturday or Sunday, but on a Thursday morning. But such became the strength of the brand, not only did it begin to infiltrate the conformist hours of clubbing both on this most iconic of party islands and in its home city of Barcelona, but with the Matinee word spreading across the globe through their much acclaimed series of world tours, it was inevitable that Saturday night would become the familiar territory for the majority of its parties. But there can be no escaping the fact that there is something quite special about clubbing in the daylight, not least the decadent feel it gives you, the sense of being just that little bit naughtier than your neighbour and pushing the boundaries of normality, then add to that being in the outdoors, possibly soaking up then sun while dancing, and it makes for the best partying recipe we can think of, a recipe that made Matinee so popular in those informative days.

However, Matinee in London has always followed the more conformist route, launching as it did in 2006 on a Saturday night at Area and whilst, at that time, Saturday still dominated the scene here in the capital, there is no doubt that times have changed, meaning that trends have too. With Beyond re-launching in 2008, then going on to dominate the gAylist scene, the impetus for Saturday nights has slowly ebbed away, with Sunday very much in the ascendancy, the big winner in this change of clubbing hearts being not just Beyond, but moreover its natural onward destination Later, the recent surge in this Sunday afternoon club signalling a real shift into daytime & evening events on this end to the weekend slot. So, it comes as no surprise that Matinee in London has decided to dip its toe into the pool of opportunity that seems to presenting itself at the moment, with its next instalment in the hands of the Logan Presents team, who as you know, took over the London franchise back on New Year’s day and promised, at the time, a fresh new & exciting look for this most prestigious clubbing brand, now of the cusp of its fourth year in the capital and in its fortcoming party it very much looks like delivering on that promise of a fresh & exciting new look.

And this change could not have come soon enough for us, as Matinee has desperately been seeking to find firm footing for close on a year now, having jumped through a succession of hoops since taking London by storm back in 2006. The short span of successful events at Area, was followed up by a period of expansion in both size & popularity during its time at Fabric, although the switch to Sunday evenings soon fell out of favour, prompting the switch back to Saturdays & back to Vauxhall, superclub Colosseum becoming the host for what will probably be noted as the most prolific period for the brand in the capital. However, the desire to keep Matinee fresh, saw a further move to 21st century & state of the art venue Cable in London Bridge, although a promising start soon led to a lack lustre end, as the then promotions team seemed to be losing their way & focus in amongst the political issues of the day. This led to the fateful news that Matinee in the capital was to change hands, falling under the control of the man in charge of the brands major competitor, SuperMartXe, an announcement that initially shocked, then seemed a strange choice, but soon made resounding sense, as Matinee bosses were keen to re-capture the kind of success it had enjoyed back in those early days in London, the top brass of the brand looking to Logan to achieve that. Moving to The Fridge in Brixton was a bold move, but as the team cleverly deluded to with their first party, it was always going to be “Matinee Under Construction” and indeed it seems, as far as The Fridge is concerned, that is exactly what looks like happening, as plans for reconstruction of the venue have been muted by its new owners and not before time we say, especially if it is to continue to host this world class clubbing brand.

So, all that said, what is this fresh new & exciting look we have deluded to? Well, not only have the team behind Matinee London decided to go back to their Spanish grass roots, switching the timing of the club from a Saturday night to Sunday daytime, but they have secured a venue with a pedigree to match the Matinee brand, as London’s famous Ministry of Sound (MOS) will host the forthcoming “Open Air Summer Party”, which will be taking place this coming Sunday (11th July), kicking off from 12 midday & running through until 10 p.m., MOS opening its doors & opening out its outside terrace to accommodate this Ibiza style open air event, that will combine both inside & out and give Matinee in London a whole new feel. But hold on, we are talking a London summer here, so surely this move is a gamble with the weather? Well yes, but with all the good weather we have been enjoying lately and with the forecast looking very promising indeed, in the words of the organisers, Sunday afternoon will definitely be a time to “...dig out those summer shades & come see Matinee in a new light...”.

Now as for those new lights, not only will you be able to choose between clubbing indoors & out, but the team will be introducing a new D.J. to the Matinee London team, as well known dancer to the stars Marco Da Silva makes his D.J.’ing debut in the capital, on the back of a successful stint on the US clubbing circuit where he rubbed shoulders with the likes of Peter Rauhofer & David Guetta. Having been thrust into the limelight following his big break into the disc spinning game at Barcelona’s Circuit Festival last year, Marco has been in the minds of Matinee ever since, his dancing career having seen him perform right across the world, building up contacts with artists such as Mariah Carey, Geri Haliwell & Kylie Minogue, although in adding the D.J. string to his bow, is making considerable waves in amongst his peers. So, not only is Marco a real asset to Matinee, but his style of euro house, dipping into tribal with plenty of experimental beats on the underground & progressive side of house should certainly ignite reaction on MOS’s terrace this Sunday. He will be joined by an incredibly strong line up that includes Matinee Spain resident Taito Tikaro, who will be flying into London direct from Matinee’s Ibiza party at Amnesia literally hours after spinning in front of a packed crowd on the white on the Saturday night. Taito is well known to London, having made numerous appearances in the capital for Matinee, although his experience of the Ibiza scene should see him set the terrace alight with dancing action. Then, completing the line-up on the Matinee terrace at MOS, although kicking proceedings off, will be international megastar D.J. Paul Heron, who will be fresh from his smash appearance at Madrid Pride and raring to get this “Open Air Summer Party” off to a cracking start with his characteristic chunky & hard hitting house sounds.

Inside, the line up looks just as sparkling, with Matinee regulars, Pagano & Alessandro Londra are both on fire following prolific performances across our very own Pride London last weekend, Mr Francesco having created plenty of drama on the capital’s dancefloors at both Onyx & SuperMartXe, as well as fitting in a trip to Madrid’s pride closing party, so is sure to once again make a dramatic dent on proceedings at MOS, no doubt treating us to his latest track “Drama On The Dancefloor” amongst a few of his other favourites. As for Alessandro, well he simply blew us away with a stunning pride inspired set at Rupert St last Saturday and then repeated it at Lo-Profile, packing the place out till close on dawn with his scintillating sounds and we know he is truly excited about returning to the Matinee decks once again. These Sicilian stunners will be joined by new boy Michel Mizrahi, who played out at the recent Lookbetternaked party at Fire, but was also part of Logan’s D.J. team for the Easter Party “Queen Of Clubs” at the Coronet, when he played an opening stormer of a set laying down the gauntlet for special guest Offer Nissam, so should be comfortable in the company of Messrs Londra & Pagano.

Now, we will be bringing you the all important detail of this latest Matinee instalment in a specially dedicated extra bites post later this week, together with any latest news that hits our desks between now & then. However what we need to say now is that, in ringing these changes, the reaction has already been incredible & tickets are likely to be like gold dust, given the extent of interest. So, it goes without say that this Matinee “Open Air Summer Party” will prove a very popular event indeed, so much so, you should go grab your advance £15 tickets now while you can, limited availability remaining online at http://clubtickets.com/ and/or at Soho retail outlets Prowler, Clone Zone & DV8, as well as at SolarStation on Archer Street of Covent Garden’s The Box. More information can be obtained via http://loganpresents.com/, but suffice to say if this isn’t in your diaries by now, it should be as this looks like being one of THE best Matinee parties we have seen not just this year. Naturally it gets our thumbs up and we expect that this bold move by Logan & his team will bear considerable fruit, capturing the imagination of the clubbing fraternity in the capital who have been craving for something new for a considerable time now. So don’t miss out, make Sure Matinee’s “Open Air Summer Party” at MOS this Sunday 11th July is a date. (DISCO MATT)

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