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Thursday 12 August 2010

"Home-Grown Hybrids a-la Schmitz Style - Hype & M.O.S.T. - Special Preview


There is no escaping the fact that the gAylist clubbing scene in the capital today paints a very different picture to the one it depicted ten or so years ago, when there were so many events that had much more of an air of exclusivity to them and an entrance on a guestlist meant that you were part of an elite few that the club or the promoter wished to see in their venue or event. These days, being on a guestlist isn’t so much a privilege bestowed on a few, more a free for all attempt to get into the club without paying and, as a result, the cases where paying customers get into clubs & events before guests is becoming more common place. This shift in attitude towards the exclusivity that used to exist when we first started clubbing has, in our view, decremented the whole experience of a great club night and the quality of crowds has suffered as a result, in some cases clubs that were the bastions of the gAylist byword have since been infiltrated by our straight cousins, only a couple of weeks ago, one of our favourite afterhours events falling foul of this & us of one of its most unsavoury elements.

However, for those of you that have been observing the scene carefully in recent months, this trend is very much being bucked by one individual who has developed both a loyal following and has attracted a like minded crowd that is very much in the gAylist style. As a friend appropriately put it “...he attracts the sort of people to his clubs that look like him and it is his look as well as his manner that makes the crowds so good and the events so popular...”. Now, if you haven’t guessed who we are talking about by now, then here are another couple of clues. He was responsible for the stage shows in the heyday of Matinee’s time at Fabric and he was the man who brought SuperMartXe to the capital, thus transforming the scene pretty much overnight. Got it? of course you have, it’s Logan Schmitz, the go-go dancer turned club promoter that has, without doubt, put the capital A back into gay and the purest form & definition of guest into list, very much pioneering a resurgence in the true gAylisting event, whether it be through the awesome SuperMartXe parties at The Coronet & The O2 Academy, the highly successful one-off Queen Of Clubs or the new style Matinee which took the scene by storm in July with what was, undoubtedly, THE best party of the year so far in the public domain.

As successful as these Spanish brands within the Logan Presents portfolio of clubs are & have been for him, the rumblings of conflict of interests continue and whilst Mr Schmitz has proven to all his critics that he can sustain both of these giant Espaniol events without them treading on each other’s toes, you still get the feeling that the powers that be in both the Matinee & SuperMartXe camps are finding it difficult to comprehend just how one person can manage & promote the franchises for two competitor brands. So, it comes as no surprise to us that this ingenious young man is more than likely thinking on his feet and is looking to, as he describes them himself, his “home-grown” concepts to pave a further way along the gAylist road, most likely standing out & proud next to Matinee & SuperMartXe, but ultimately offering Logan & his team tangible vehicles to continue their quest in re-painting the clubbing landscape and continuing this resurgence of quality clubbing with crowds to match which has been so missing from the scene in recent years.

So what are these so called home-gown brands that we are talking about? Well, for those of you that are glued to social networking site, Facebook, you will have seen snippets of news, notifications & pictures of his private party UP, indeed we were privileged to be invited to the last party and you can catch our full review right here at http://discomatt.com/ &.or via direct link http://discomatt.blogspot.com/2010/07/up-up-and-away-logan-presents-up-at-dex.html, which should give you a good idea of what Mr Schmitz is aiming at with this exclusive event. But it is clear that Logan & his schmitzels also want to play their part in the public domain with their own branded gAylisting events and so enter the fray both Hype & M.O.S.T., two concepts that will spearhead Logan Presents’ Bank Holiday weekend push for the punters and should prove very popular events for sure. Now, Hype will be, or should be familiar to those that were in & around London during May last year, when the team launched the concept onto an unsuspecting yet suspicious public, many reading between the lines of Logan’s intentions and the whole affair causing controversy in our camp, not to mention victrionic disapproval in our review, which you can check out for yourselves at http://discomatt.blogspot.com/2009/05/hype-club-review.html. However, since that time, much proverbial water has flown under the bridge and we suspect that, like ourselves, the prying public will be most likely much more affable towards this re-launch of the Hype brand, particularly as SuperMartXe has now lost much of novelty factor element, which at the time of the launch of Logan’s first own brand, was still quite prevalent.

So what does Hype actually offer that separates it from SuperMartXe? Well, perhaps the single biggest thing is that it allows Logan and his team to literally pick & choose the D.J.’s and performance artists that he wants, whereas with SuperMartXe, he is compelled to book at least one of the Spanish clubs residents, many of whom in our humble opinion are never a patch on their London counterparts and given that the brand also insists that they take the headlining slot, means that, what we would call the fat end of the evening can be dominated by a D.J. that really isn’t doing it. Then there are the PA performers, although here we have always found those at SuperMartXe to be really good, but again, with Hype Mr Schmitz has a free reign. And finally of course, there is the production of the club which is probably one of this team’s biggest strengths, their stage shows being nothing short of iconic, the pomp & circumstance surrounding each & every party impressive, although in Hype it is not so much about the shows, but more about the music collaborations within the shows & between the performers & the D.J.’s

Right, with the Hype hysteria pretty much sorted, what can you expect from this re-launch party? Well, it will take place on Saturday 28th August (that’s in three Saturday’s time) and making his London debut will be D.J. Carlos Gallardo, whom we are told made considerable waves at The Circuit Festival last week, particularly at the huge WE pool party, a club brand which is creating quite a buzz & stir over in Spain itself and is generating lots of media coverage as well as thrusting some new names into the international D.J.’ing limelight, Carlos being one and the very talented Javier Medina being another. Mr Gallardo, whilst still a rising star, will be best known for his track “Don’t Let This Moment End”, but has a couple of others under his belt, not to mention his compilation mix entitled “A New Generation”, so should be an exciting prospect on 29th. He will be joined on the decks by Logan’s London regulars Tony English & Paul Heron and whilst Tony has played at a number of SuperMartXe parties at The Coronet (the host venue for Hype), it will be only the second time Mr Heron has done so, he having performed alongside the capable if but very camp Offer Nissam at Queen Of Clubs earlier this year. To say Mr English is on fire at the moment is an understatement, as not only did he treat us to what was probably THE best set we heard him play at the last UP party at the end of July, but he did it all again last weekend at Dance Nation, so we are very much looking forward to that. As for Paul, well the man seems to be in ever increasing demand overseas, in fact, Logan landing him for Hype is a bit of a coup as we know he will be squeezing this between gigs in Greece for Xlsior & Berlin, the man hardly ever being in the UK at the moment.

Completing the Hype package will be the performance duo known at The Free Radical Formation (not to be confused with the pop group of a similar name), the vocal talents of Brit Rob Harris & Spanish electronic music wizard Sergi Gadi have, just this year, produced dancefloor anthems including “Supernova”, “Reign” & “To The Stars” and will bring to London their brand new smash “Broken Dreams” which will get its first exclusive live airing on the Coronet’s stage. So, they should certainly make an impact on this home-grown brand’s re-launch, which, as Mr Schmitz neatly concludes “...with all of the dazzling, over-the-top production, pyrotechnics and effects that you have come to expect from Logan Presents, this is one Bank Holiday party you will not want to miss!!...BELIEVE THE HYPE...” and it seems that this time round we might well be one of those believers.

But not content with just Hype & UP, Logan has created a third way, which was born out of the success of the last Matinee “Open Air Summer” party, which, as we hinted earlier, was THE best clubbing event for the year so far, even outstripping the brilliance that was As One on NYD (and that’s going some!). So pleased were Ministry Of Sound (MOS) with that event, that Logan has really found favour with them and has been handed a bit of a gem as a result, the use of MOS on Bank Holiday Sunday morning (29th August), when he will roll out his new concept, M.O.S.T., which he has described to us as “...an opportunity to shed more light on London daytime clubbing...” but will also crucially “...offer a unique carry on experience, a non-stop party fusion with Hype which, as The Cornet lets out, MOS will draw in...”. And we can certainly see this happening, not least due to the two venues close proximity to each other, so yes you guessed it, M.O.S.T. is a Sunday morning club, although will be one that differs from main rival Beyond, as the focus will be on alfresco dancing, the formula that made Matinee the success it was in July, meaning much of the action (weather permitting of course) will be out on MOS’s terrace, where the irresistible line up will include two of our favourite Italiano’s the London based Pagano & Milan’s vey own Danny Verde, who will sandwich Carlos Gallardo who, like loads of Hype followers, will have hot footed it across to M.O.S.T.

We cannot tell you just how excited we are that Danny will be back in London, especially having been hugely disappointed when he pulled out of Lovebox last month, so you know exactly where you will find us on Sunday morning, but then Danny will be fresh from a whirlwind sequence of gigs around the globe, which will have included Canada, Brazil, Germany & The USA, the rise & rise of this now shining star seemingly endless. We are hoping he will be giving us a sneak preview of his new remix which is called “Till We See The Sun”, so watch out for news on that closer to the time. As for Mr Pagano, well, like Tony English, we were simply blown away by his set at UP which was, unquestionably, the best we have seen him play and so appropriate for that party. And arriving at M.O.S.T., Francesco will have hopefully recovered from his massive 7 hour set at Rapido (7 hours!!), but will no doubt be pushing the release of his much awaited compilation and yes you heard it right, he has bowed to all that pressure, good on him. Apart from these three, the inside action should be just as hot with rising stars & Logan protégée’s starring, Brazil’s Leandro Koppel (another UP boy) and Israeli Michel Mizrahi, who makes his second appearance for Mr Schmitz at MOS.

Now, as we expect these parties to be the talk of the town, we will be devoting special focuses to both Hype & M.O.S.T. when we will not only recap on details here, but fill you in on that all important information on tickets, opening times, etc, plus we will be bringing you special links to music from the various D.J. and artists performing. However, if you are itching to find out more now, then why not pay a visit to http://loganpresents.com/ or check out the events pages via Facebook, but keep your eyes peeled for those focuses coming up and join the Logan Presents gAylist resurgence revolution with their two “Home-Grown Hybrids a-la Schmitz Style”. (DISCO MATT)

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