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Wednesday 8 September 2010

The Week - Event Preview


There is little doubt that when it comes to carnival & to samba, the country that immediately springs to mind is Brazil and nowhere on this planet do a race party in ostentatious style more than the Brazilians, we should now, we bump into plenty of them trading extravagant dancing moves with us on Beyond’s dancefloor in any given week and such is the vitality & sense of community within this multicultural country that you get the sense that they very much know how to live life to the full. So, in the same way that all this goes for Brazil & Brazilians, like carnival & samba, when you mention the word week in clubbing circles, it means simply one thing, the massive institution & enterprise that is “The Week”, Brazil’s biggest nightclub by a long stretch. Such is the extent of this amazing brand and so proud of The Week are both the people behind the club and the people in front of its doors, craving for them to open at each & every event, that the strap line “Made In Brazil” is blazoned across all advertisements, billboards & posters connected with the brand that speaks volumes about the clubs origins.

And while those origins are very much in Sao Paulo, not just Brazil’s but the southern hemisphere’s biggest city, it was only natural that the Week would spread its wings across the country to Rio De Janiero in the east and to Florianopolis in the south, although it is back in its original home that the club has its hugest impact, regularly attracting well over 2000 people into its multi levelled host venue, that boasts two huge (and we mean massive) dancefloors, both illuminated with huge wall lighting blocks that stretch around & by banks of lasers that sweeping across the floors & walls of the club that rival anything you have seen anywhere. But as if that wasn’t enough, it also has an incredible outside area that includes a swimming pool & garden as well as extensive bar facilities, for clubbers to chill & grab a refreshing break from the action & heat inside and, naturally the crowd is full of handsome & scantily dressed go-go dancing boys, encroaching on the masses of muscular men & glamorous girls that The Week is renowned for attracting, many of the reviews of the club speaking for themselves in its praise, phrases such as “...a paradise for muscled guys...”, “...the best gay club in Sao Paulo...”, “a buff & gleaming crowd, some with shirts, many without...” common place.

It therefore came as no surprise that the biggest gay dance club in South America would soon be making tracks across the Atlantic ocean, having already gone the other way to Australia and following a hugely successful involvement in The Circuit Festival over in Barcelona in August, makes a return to Europe for a mini tour, the first of two stops being London and a project that is of the making by Lovechild & As One (amongst a host of other brands) promoter Alex Erfan, a man with the reputation for pushing the boundaries and attracting not just international D.J.’s but international brands to the capital, a perfect example being the massive undertaking that was the London Global Dance Festival in May. Mind you, bringing The Week over from Brazil is a much less daunting prospect than the former and with a pretty much readymade market here in London, a considerable population of gay & gay curious Brazilians very much part of the clubbing scene across the capital. Plus, given the fact that the party will be on a Saturday, it certainly stands a far better chance of succeeding than did the last undertaking from this part of the world, Rio, which was held at Heaven on a Sunday, only having limited appeal & draw, pretty much falling at the first hurdle.

So, with the scene pretty much set for the arrival of this Brazilian splendour, what can you expect from The Week in London? Well, all the razzmatazz of the carnival for a start, as everything that is characteristic of the sparkling dancing festivities that is so Brazilian, will be brought to bear on Fire, host venue for The Week on Saturday 18th September, Alex Erfan drawing in all of his contacts of Brazilian disposition, to join forces with the inbound team from Sao Palo to bring what the guys from The Week’s crew describe as “...the arrival of Brazil’s biggest club in the UK for the first time will include all the thrill, energy & passion that only The Week can deliver, will prove to be a night that London will remember and will blow the mind...” (we translated it from “raw” Portuguese!), with the London team chipping in to say “...added to this we will have the most amazing production and costumes to get everyone in that carnival mood and with the most super hot Brazilian dancer & performers to spice up the night, you will think you have been transported to Rio...” (no translation required!). And on speaking with Mr Erfan, boy have the team got loads of surprises up their sleeves in terms of those dancers, those effects & those costumes, much of which we have been told to keep under wraps, although we can tell you that not only are they drafting in the skill & knowledge of the Australian responsible for staging the magnificent Mardi Gras festival in Sydney, but extra special lighting & will be imported for Fire’s main room & installations provide by Obsquare, the organisation responsible for The Gallery & now The Supper Club in London. And with all three rooms, that is the mirrorarch, the main room & the lounge springing into action, expect no holds barred in terms of decor, display & dance.

And in terms of dance, there will be no excuse not to as the music is going to be absolutely top draw with London’s finest joining in-bound The Week resident Leandro Becker who will be jetting across to Europe for the mini tour & naturally will take centre stage at the London event. In choosing Leandro from the team of 11 resident D.J.’s back in Brazil, not only will he bring his amazing Brazilian charm, handsome looks &, we are reliably informed, incredible physique (turn u the heat in the main room boys, we want to see him take his top off), no surprise really as Mr Becker is yet another model turned D.J., joining the ranks of Marco Da Silva, Phil Romano & fellow Brazilian Leandro Kloppel, although, it seems this Leandro is revered back in Sao Paulo for his amazing ability to switch between musical genres to produced some of the most energetic & uplifting performances, drawing in elements of progressive, tribal, tech & electro house, much of it drenched with vocals that makes his performances quite breathtaking. It there is no surprise that he was a sure-fire hit at The Week’s party in Barcelona last month, the feedback received from his set there nothing short of feverish and we know he is tremendously exciting about coming to London & playing here for the first time.

Mind you Mr Leandro will be sandwiched in the main room by two talents that will be the perfect match for his skills behind the decks and in selecting these two mixing maestros, Alex Erfan will certainly be pandering to the London crowd, choosing probably the two most popular D.J.’s in both Steve Pitron & Gonzalo Rivas. Now, what we have said about these two individuals through a number of our music post focuses very much speaks for their brilliance & quality but you can pretty much guarantee Beyond-esque performances from both Steve & Gonzalo, mixing in all the uplifting & octane fuelled that make their sets simply spectacular. Mr Pitron is definitely the perfect fit for The Week style of music, his amazing ability to raise any atmosphere through his sumptuous selections of sounds, ranging from disco tipped dance to full on energetic house will no doubt go down a treat with the Brazilian contingent that we are sure the lovely Celso, Steve’s partner, will draw into Fire for this special party. But then the latin intentions of Gonzalo Rivas will surely also come into play and given recent performances at the big parties across the capital & beyond, Gonzalo will ensure the main room at Fire will be well & truly pumping with uplifting & tech infused beats for which he is more than capable of producing to exceptional effect.

But it won’t stop there as the mirrorarch will be given away to international megastar D.J. Paul Heron who has played in every single continent of the world, but unlike any of the other London stars, has played a number of times at The Week in Sao Paulo, so is very experienced in delivering to Brazilian tastes in more ways than one and he somehow seems to really come into his own in the mirrorarch, As One just a couple of weeks ago proving that, when he built up the room to magnanimous proportions. Joining him will be Sweden’s finest & London based Per Q.X. who has really hit the high notes recently with his single “Blow My Trumpet” and we know that his set will include a live performance of the track which we know you will recognise in an instant (check out http://soundcloud.com/perqx/per-qx-blow-my-trumpet), this record the perfect accompaniment for this Brazilian feast of a gathering, a will Per’s smashing sounds.

But the lounge will also be getting its say & will be go into latin overdrive as the man know best for his latino music intentions, Brent Nicholls, will be performing an exclusive “nu funk” set that will definitely have shades of his recent compilation entitled “No Americano” which has samba styled beats & uplifting tunes written all over it, as we are sure will his set on the night, so will definitely be a highlight of this The Week event. Now, we know his mix is still available to download for free, so go grab a slice of Brent’s Brazilian slanted beats at http://speedyshare.com/files/23798605/1008_NoAmericano_128.mp3) and prepare to be dazzled. As if all that wasn’t enough, to complete the D.J. line up & balance the Brazilian element brought to play by Leandro Becker, Alex Erfan will be introducing two London based D.J’s, one to the main room & one to the lounge and as soon as these details are finalised we will share them with out, but suffice to say, think samba, think energy & think vitality, as will the music be across all three rooms.

Now, we will bring you all the important detail closer to the event in a special extra bites post, but suffice to say, tickets for this amazing The Week event at Fire on Saturday 18th September have just been released for sale, so like the team always suggest back in Sao Paulo, its recommended that you get in early, advance tickets now available at the usual Soho outlets, Prowler, Clone Zone & DV8, as well as online at http://clubtickets.com/, all priced at just £10, so go grab yours now, so as not to miss out on this brilliant Brazilian carnival of a party.

Finally to get you in the uplifting carnival mood, why not check out this amazing record we found, which is being played out on the website for The Week in Brazil, http://theweek.com.br & is also available in a slightly more upbeat form via http://il.youtube.com/watch?v=JyfoKPzLJc0, this truly uplifting tune entitled “Happiness” by Alexis Jordan, having been given the remix treatment by Dave Aude and, we hope (having laid down the gauntlet) may get further mixing by either Mr Heron or Mr Pitron, possibly in time for the party next Saturday’s party, which looks like being a real gem. So it may be sourced in Sao Paulo, but it will definitely be landing in London, meaning The Week will be the place to be and as a result, like us, you should, Go There! Be There! (DISCO MATT)

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