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Friday 27 August 2010

"Amazing Amalgamation" - As One - Sunday 29th August


As 2010 dawned there was much hot news hitting the dancefloor with some dramatic developments with a huge Spanish club brand in the capital changing hands, although the biggest news turned out to be the huge success that was the new collaborative club event that was As One, a concept born out of parties such as Famous Five, Universe & even the Pride park gatherings, where like-minded promoters put their heads together to not just combine forces to create a unique blend of club events catering for a wide audience, but moreover putting the clubber first and self gain last. For those of you that may not be familiar with the Famous Five concept, these were massive parties that were held on major weekends of the year, most predominantly Bank Holiday Sunday’s at the infamous Bagley’s warehouses in Kings Cross, London, brands such as Love Muscle, G.A.Y., Fruit Machine, Sherbet & Fist combining forces to create a unique experience that, at the time, was a radical yet welcome progression for all encompassing clubbing. Whilst Famous Five’s glory days were relatively short lived, the concept was to re-emerge with events Giant & Universe which combined clubs, Crash, Salvation, Atelier, Coco Late & Heaven, continuing collaborations seeing Ultimate take its place in the history books of clubbing combo’s in the capital, at the time named “the biggest alliance since Star Wars”, when Crash, DTPM & Trade partied under one roof.

So, looking back over the years paints a very healthy picture of amazing amalgamations and with the date being 01/01/2010, not only was it the start of a new year & the start of a new decade, but it was the start of a new clubbing collaboration that very much had its roots in those parties back in the nineties & early noughties, although As One would literally captivate its audience, packing out its host venue with numbers that had rarely been seen in many months nay years, the collaboration between five clubbing brands & six club promoters ending up as mixing match made in heaven. In the marriage of current cutting edge club brands Trannyshack, Megawoof, Lovechild, Orange & Lo-Profile, each having their own special area to flex their musical muscles, As One very much captured the imagination when it was launched on New Year’s Day, the added spice of a Beyond room really cementing its popularity & success. The follow up event in Easter had a similar effect, very much setting the trend for a refreshing collaboration of clubbing minds and, just like the first party, As One short of stole the headlines, firmly cementing it on the scene as a vibrant multi faceted party appealing to a broad spectrum of clubbers, something the scene clearly was craving for, given the sheer numbers through the doors.

However, plans to bring As One back for London Gay Pride were mysteriously put on hold, the emphasis falling back on trusty brands Beyond, Later & Orange to fly their individual flags for this most popular of weekends and indeed when we were informed that the next party was not scheduled until 1st January 2011, we kind of resigned ourselves to the fact that one of the major success stories of the year was going to be consigned to just two parties. But, hope springs eternal and just days after our return from Brighton’s Gay Dance Weekend, news came through that As One would actually be a feature of the August Bank Holiday schedule, fitting neatly in line with a hectic Vauxhall list of parties, planting itself in the new Sunday afternoon slot normally occupied by Later. In moving the event back from its expected Bank Holiday timing of Monday morning has effectively filled the gap in a strong line up of parities that includes a double dose of Onyx, Beyond’s “Super Size” and the citric & tech collaboration of Orange Trade, thus creating the circuit of events across Vauxhall stretching from the Friday evening right until Monday afternoon when Later rounds off a full-on Orange Group weekend, As One for us being the massive centre stone in a diamond encrusted schedule.

So, what can we expect from this latest, the third instalment of As One? Well, being the August Bank Holiday, when the team mapped out the event they were very much banking on good weather, although as London has proven on so many occasions, you can never guarantee for hot weather on a long weekend. However, with the main theme of the party being “...a massive funfair style garden party...”, but with the emphasis on the indoors as well as the outdoors, on speaking with Alex Erfan just this morning, he was naturally cautious about the weather prospects, particularly given the inclement conditions that have battered the capital during the week. However, should the sun shine, then the outside area will get considerable focus, the space being hosted by Later and in doing so, promoter Jay Sharp Vokins will be replicating the hugely popular & successful funfair theme that was a hit on Gay Pride weekend. However, adding to the atmosphere will be the addition of D.J.’s playing outside and currently in the line up spin the sounds is The Oli, Paul Martin & Terry Bryan, all three regulars to Later’s decks and should prove popular draws.

Inside and the usual As One brands of Megawoof, Lo-Profile & Lovechild will feature, with the addition of Brighton’s Wild Fruit in the line up. Having successfully collaborated with Lovechild both in Brighton at Dance Nation and then just last weekend at Fire, Wild Fruit returns to the capital to storm the main room with a D.J. line up that includes Lee Harris, D’Johnny & duo Prok & Fitch who will make the journey up from Brighton especially for this event. Having met back in 2006, Ben (Prok) & James (Fitch) have formed a production & D.J. partnership that has seen them create their own record label, Floorplay, which has hosted its own night in their home city’s club Coalition and now also hosts events in London & Dubai. Indeed the boys have been spreading their word around the world in the last eighteen months, touching on Australia, Brazil and Ibiza, as well an exhaustive schedule in the studio and promoting their record label, all which has attracted names such as David Pen, Mark Knight, & Chris Lake, with support for their work coming from the likes of Carl Cox, Paul Van Dyk & Steve Angelo, impressive indeed. However, in landing in the Wild Fruit room at As One, it will feel a little like a home coming for the boys, who have played for the Brighton dance brand on a number of occasions, so will definitely prove popular on Sunday for sure.

However for us, the focus inside will be on the Lovechild room which has a truly amazing line up foursome that have every chance of stealing the As One show, as Lovechild resident regulars Alessandro Londra & Paul Heron will be joined by Eduardo De La Torre from Berlin and Javier Medina from Barcelona. Taking up its slot in the Mirrorarch room, Lovechild has proven to be the most popular choice at As One parties, as it sits neatly between the four inside spaces & in the Mirrorarch, is a room that has always been the most successful for us, you just have to look at Orange Trade parties there, not to mention the fabulous Muccassasina room at The London Global Dance Festival. So, Eduardo’s opening set will certainly draw the crowd in from the off, with the experienced hands of both Alessandro & Paul securing the rooms draw right up till the 8 p.m. finish. Mr Heron is particularly adept in this space, a whole collection of Lovechild sets proving more than his worth and his international status & pedigree definitely making him a crowd favourite. Alessandro also loves playing this room, indeed just last weekend had the space absolutely rocking with an inspiring set that, for us, was the performance of the night, delivering a fabulous blend of tech & progressive pumping house that is so characteristic of his style at the moment and very much in the Lovechild modus operandus.

But the real & exciting prospect will be the London debut of Javier Medina, a talent we have been tracking for a few months now and has had a spectacular summer, not least featuring heavily in the emerging brand & talk of Spain WE, which is slowly expanding across Europe and will surely make it to London soon, Javier being very much in the mix there as one of their roving resident D.J.’s. That aside, Mr Medina is resident for Devotion in his hometown of Barcelona and was part of their huge Circuit Festival party when he played alongside Pagano, opening up the eight day string of parties in superb style, although it isn’t all about Barcelona for Javier, as he has also jetted across to Cologne & Paris to play at Beardrop’s “Xtreme” events and has even made it out to Australia for the Mardi Gras season, playing at Sydney’s “Extra Dirty” event back in March. So, it is fair to say that 2010 has been a superb year so far and this is one D.J. that, in our view, is definitely going places & getting his name picked up in the music clubbing press pages across the world, one such article out in the capital’s Boyz magazine (check it out at http://boyz.co.uk/onlineViewer/viewer.php on page 51), his style of tech & tribal house very much a theme of his live performances, as well as works in the studio which will definitely bring added dimension & spice to the sometimes monotone London sound. In advance of his first gig in the capital, Javier has commissioned a special mix dedicated to is As One appearance, entitled “Barcelona To London”, which is well worth a listen at http://soundcloud.com/javier-medina and will give you an insight of what to expect from his performance, as Javier tells us and everyone, “...expect the unexpected & come discover yourself through my music...” and we know you will.

That leaves the other two rooms and Megawoof return to the As One fray for the third time, resident D.J.’s Daz Saud & Leonardo Glovibes spearheading the line up in the Lightbox that will also include Tim Mcloone & Diddy, the team drawing their own crowd for sure, but also tempting in a few that would not normally make it to a regular Megawoof event. Over in the lounge it s all about Lo-Profile with Stewart Whoo kicking off proceedings and then scene favourite and nu-funk exponent Brent Nicholls centre staging the space, although we are hoping his set doesn’t clash with Javier’s as our choice could be incredibly difficult as a result. Again on speaking with As One head poncho Alex Erfan, he has explained to us that “...the timings for all of these rooms may be a little fluid and will be very dependant of the weather and the popularity of the outdoor area as a result...” he further adding that “...we may need to swap D.J.’s around as a result of conditions, although I am expecting the Lovechild room to remain as advertised and Prok & Fitch will be playing in the main room at the advertised time...”, well you can’t say fairer than that.

Right, now to the all important detail and information regarding this As One “amazing amalgamation” which takes place at Fire in Vauxhall this Sunday (29th August) from midday till 8 p.m. Advance tickets priced at £12 are available online now at http://clubtickets.com or in person at Soho outlets Prowler, Clone Zone & DV8, as well as at The Box in Covent Garden and if your are heading to Beyond’s “Super Size” party beforehand, why not grab a joint ticket for £20. Entrance on the door to As One will be available priced at £15 and we are told, special discount passes to Onyx’s second party of the weekend, Neon (which immediately follows over at Area), will be available during As One’s party. More details, could you need them, are available at http://alexerfan.com or by checking the club page diary at favourite clubbing website http://seenqueen.com.

So, The August Bank Holiday weekend is on us and it’s time to party, pray for a little sunshine, but be comfortable in the knowledge that As One looks like being THE place to be & be seen on Sunday and with the likes of Brent Nicholls, Paul Heron, Eduardo De La Torre, Alessandro Londra, Terry Bryan, The Oli, D’Johnny Stewart Whoo, Prok & Fitch, and many more, plus not forgetting Mr Javier Medina, they should all prove that “music is the answer” and this amazing amalgamation” is an absolute MUST. So, as we always say....”Go There!
Be There”.


Why not check out the specially commissioned video trailer to this As One event by going to http://facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1476700552309&ref=mf and while you’re at it, check out Lee Harris’ compilation dedication at http://soundcloud.com/mashed/lee-harris-as-one-aug-2010.

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